Certification Center TechnoProgress has been providing services in the field of certification for more than 10 years. Over this time, our center has formed an experienced expert group, set up proper infrastructure, which allows testing of products, performing analysis of production and management systems audits as well as issuing of certificates of compliance. TechnoProgress has a nondestructive testing laboratory accredited by Rostekhnadzor, as well as a certification center for equipment and quality management systems accredited by Rosstandart and Rosaccreditatsia. The Center for Energy Audit does not provide mediation services and independently performs all the necessary work.
Among the clients of the center, there are such enterprises as Energomash, VNIIGAZ , Severstal,Neftehimmash, TESCO, CB & I, and many others.
Area of work
- Certification of Equipment and Products
- Certification of services
- Declaration of equipment and products
- Certification of management systems for the compliance with ISO 9001, ISO 14001, OHSAS 18001, BS EN 16001